When 'Your Backpack Limited' registered as a fully fledged company in September 2020 we also registered our intent to become a BCorp. For your first year of business BCorp classes you as BCorp PENDING and our intent was to complete the full registration before the deadline of October 2021.
It's been an awesome and ever emerging year with the added surprise that Sammy and Jim are welcoming their second child in November. Yes, you read that correctly - below the zoom camera line Sammy has been cooking up a new recruit!
Prep for this arrival alongside a busy and exciting client portfolio meant that we have not made the dent in the policies and processes needed to be a fully fledged BCorp yet!
But we are not dismayed! Rather than rush it and put added pressure on Sammy at a busy and tiring time we are going to pause certification - makes sense right!?!
BUT... That doesn't take away from the awesome work and impact both Backpack and it's clients and partners have had over this 'Pending period' so we have put together an impact report anyway.
Take a read - We cant wait to crack on with the #BCorp application and making a positive impact in early 2022!